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What to expect

What to expect on a Sunday morning

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website to see who we are.

We would like to share the format of our Sunday morning activities. Click on the links below to learn more about each of them.

Sunday Morning Service

(Includes Communion / Lord’s Supper and Sermon)

Time: 09:30 am - 11:15 pm

  • To “remember the Lord and show forth His death” by partaking of the Lord’s Supper.
  • To teach systematically from the Bible, which is God’s Word. (Acts 20:27)
  • The service begins with songs of praise and worship.
  • This is followed by a brief introductory exhortation and an open time of Spirit-led exhortations.
  • This open time is led by brethren through prayer, devotions based on the person and work of Jesus Christ, and worship songs.
  • This part of the service concludes with the administration of the bread and the cup.
  • A brief interlude follows, featuring a song and Scripture reading connected to the sermon that follows.
  • All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are welcome to partake of the bread and cup, symbols of the Lord’s death and our oneness in Christ’s body (I Cor 11:27-28; 10:17).
  • If you have not personally trusted Christ for your salvation and have not been baptized as a believer, we ask that you speak with the elders about the significance of participating in the Lord’s Supper.


Time: 10:30 am - 11:30 am

  • Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to remember Him and to proclaim his death through the symbols of the cup and bread. (Luke 22:19)
  • We are to do this regularly until he comes (1 Cor 11:23-26).
  • The early church did this at every official meeting of the church (Acts 2:4220:71 Cor 11:17-34)
  • Our focus during this time is our Lord Jesus Christ, His saving work on the cross, and its profound meaning in our lives.
  • This is an opportunity to remember what God has already done and is doing in our lives. Partaking of the emblems does not produce Salvation or impart Sanctifying Grace.
  • Communion begins with a brief introductory exhortation.
  • This is an open time of spirit-led exhortations, prayer, Scripture reading and songs by brothers.
  • This time ends with the administration of the bread and the cup.
  • An offering will be taken as part of the communion. Visitors should not feel compelled to give. This is another opportunity for the NLBC community to worship by means of giving our material possessions to God’s work.
  • The service is scheduled to end by 11:30 with closing remarks and prayer.
  • We welcome all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ to partake of the bread and cup, symbols of the Lord’s death and of our oneness in the body of Christ (I Cor 11:27-2810:17).
  • If you have not personally trusted Christ for your salvation, we ask that you do not participate. We invite you to ask the elders about the significance of a personal relationship with Christ before participating.

Sunday School / Adult Bible Class

Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

  • Children from the ages 4 and up are taught systematically from the Bible. 
  • Sunday School registrations are open throughout the year.
  • The Adult Bible Class is open to all. Bible Study series systematically cover aspects of Christian living to equip them for life as Christ followers.