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Important: NLBC COVID-19 Update

March 18, 2020 | by: Geo Philips | 0 Comments

Posted in:
Sunday Service

Dear NLBC family,

With the circumstances around COVID-19 changing day by day, the leadership met yesterday to decide on a plan of action to support us as a community, keep us engaged as a community and grow together in the Lord while the situation unfolds under his sovereign will and control. Please take note of the points below.

  1. Sunday services will be held online only till further notice. We are heeding the recommendations of the Ontario government. Since the church centre has also closed for the next couple of weeks, we do not have access to the church facility to conduct the service either. We will be creating a format that enables multiple individuals and families to contribute to the service, which will be broadcast on YouTube. Links will be sent prior to the service or you can go to before 10 AM on Sundays.
  2. Wednesday prayer and Friday studies will be held online as web meetings. We will be using Zoom which is a service that enables us to interact with each other and for the study material to be presented. The links for the Zoom meetings will be sent prior to each event; please take some time today to set it up on your computer or smartphone/tablet by following the instructions to be sent for the Wednesday meeting.
  3. The Annual General Meeting will be postponed until we are able to meet physically.
  4. We will be holding baptism classes online for those who have expressed interest. We will be reaching out to them but if you know of others who would be interested, let one of the elders or deacons know.

Beyond the format of the meetings, we need to come together as a community more than ever before. God has given us access to many means of communication that were not available to churches in similar situations before; pick up the phone or use FaceTime/Hangouts/Whatsapp to call and stay in touch with each other, especially those of us who are most in need of fellowship. Let us engage and pray with each other. The leadership will be calling all of you regularly over the next few weeks. The assembly also has a benevolent fund to provide financial assistance as well to those who are in need of it.

We do not know how much longer we will be prevented from meeting together physically but we know that we do not have to fear because our Lord in control and he will use all circumstances to mould us and mature us and for his glory. May we make the best use of these times and may our testimony in the future be better as a result of going through this together.

I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” (Psalm 34:1–5, ESV)  

With much love, hope and prayer

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