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Collaborate, help

It’s a privilege to work together to ensure our church runs smoothly. Talk to the elders if you are led to be part of one of the teams. Note that not all ministry and volunteer opportunities are listed below. The leadership will be able to provide you with the list of volunteer opportunities.

“…each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:16)”

The Ladies meet regularly to study God’s Word. They also meet informally for times of godly fellowship and for impacting local communities. Come join the women as they learn the Word .
The role of godly men at home, society and church cannot be overstated. Come join the men in being family shepherds.
Missions, Global
Our collective hearts beats to take the whole word to the whole world. We engage the world in different ways in fulfilling the Great Commission. Talk to the Mission Lead or to the Leadership for details and involvement.
Outreach & events, local
It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get involved ourselves. Events and opportunities are provided throughout the year for you to be personally involved in fulfilling the Great Commission. Watch out for the announcements and get involved.
Prayer is the furnace room of every local church. We meet weekly for prayer in cell groups and also corporately on the first Fridays of every month to pray through the books of the Bible. Join us and experience the powerful ways God answers prayers.
Sunday School
Children are a heritage from the Lord and as good stewards we desire to invest the Word of God in their little hearts. Our prayer as a church is that no single soul is lost but that each will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our Sunday School year begins in September, however, we invite your children to join at any time of the year to learn the Bible systematically. Talk to the Sunday School Lead or to the Leadership for details.

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