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[Oct 24] Seminar on Homosexuality: A Pastoral Response

October 22, 2015 | by: Nishanth Varghese | 0 Comments

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Homosexuality has become a major issue today, becoming more and more acceptable both in society in general, but also pushing at the doors of the church. Some are advocating that the church accommodate homosexuality and even embrace it. And there are many who struggle with same-sex attraction in Christian circles, who have often wrestled in silence, loneliness, isolation and guilt--and sometimes even ostracization from those who are best equipped to help them. The church must be prepared to defend the traditional view of this subject rooted in the revelation of the Word of God. But they also must be ready to counsel those struggling with this important life issue.

The Program

This half-day conference entails three separate sessions, with time for Q & A and interactive discussions. This is a free simulcast of the event. Please register below to attend!

9:00am - 10:00am
Session #1: Starting to Listen - The issue of Homosexuality is not merely an abstract theological discussion. It’s a very emotional, personal and sensitive issue that involves the people we love, the Church we serve, and the God we try to honor. But because the issue is so emotional, we often tend to speak first without listening to the people involved, and we miss the opportunity to bring healing because we are more concerned about winning the argument than helping the person. In this session we will look at some practical ways in which we can “Speak the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15) and how we can be a community of conviction AND a community of hope.

10:15am - 11:15am
Session #2: Starting to Talk - Homosexuality has brought a number of questions to the local church? "Why do people have same-sex attractions?” “Can people change their orientation?” “Can a person be both Gay and Christian?” These, and many other questions are causing those in the Church much confusion and discouragement. We hope to have an entire session devoted to trying to answer some of these questions, and provide a venue for Christians to ask questions that can bring clarity and conviction to our ministries.

11:30am - 12:30pm
Session #3: Starting to Heal - After listing a number of sins and vices within the early church (including homosexuality), Paul rejoices to inform them that “such WERE some of you” (1 Cor. 6:11). The Gospel of Jesus Christ has given them a new identity, a new hope and a new Spirit living within them. The Gospel that brought hope to the Church in Paul’s time, is the same Gospel that brings hope today. In this session we will look at some practical and pastoral responses to those that struggle with same-sex attraction, and how we can help people see the hope of Jesus Christ beyond their struggles. 


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